Vutha ignite the fire youth programme
Vutha Ignite The Fire Youth Programme
This award-winning programme was developed to reduce the high drop-out rate among Grade 11 learners in our communities and to provide them with a strong sense of hope for the future.
This group work programme consists of five interactive and fun sessions that can be presented on-site at schools by trained Revive facilitators.
Session 1: “Myself”
- Set up basic course and group norms and rules
- “Don’t be afraid to risk” exercise
- “I can’t …I won’t” exercise
- Discussing the importance of confidentiality
- You pie chart – wellness wheel
Session 2: “My Life”
- The masks we wear
- Secrets
- How you see yourself vs how others see you – Johari’s Window
- Feelings inventory and vocabulary
- Journal of discovery
- Faces of me
Session 3: “My Relationships”
- Values – mine and my parents
- Anger – communication style, coping skills, direct talk
Session 4: “Safe TALK”
- Suicide introduction
- Myths and Facts about suicide
- How to assist someone who is suicidal
- Emergency numbers
Session 5: “My Future”
- My hand – 5 positive qualities that your group see in you, use them to impact your future
- Goal setting – immediate, short term, long term
Aim of VUTHA Ignite the Fire Youth Programme
- To introduce high school pupils to emotional wellness
- To create an awareness of one’s own emotional wellness
- To improve the pass rate by addressing emotional wellness issues
- To learn better ways of dealing with relationships
Other Youth Programmes:
- Teen Personal Growth Course
- Teen Counselling and communication
- Skills Course
- Bullying
- Peer Supporter
- HIV and AIDS Awareness
How to Register?
Register via Phone
Register via Email
*Please allow for 2-3 days response time with regards to email queries and any urgent matters to please be conducted via telephonic call.